Character Counts
Each October, Tri Sigma participates in CHARACTER COUNTS! Week by hosting a character essay contest, encouraging collegiate sorority women to reflect on the importance of character.
Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship—these are the six pillars of Character Counts, an educational program set to instill good morals and values regardless of political, religious or culturally diverse backgrounds. Tri Sigma’s ideals of wisdom, power, faith, hope, and love fit into these pillars as concepts of a larger picture.
Each year, Tri Sigma joins the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, state governors, and officials around the world to celebrate the third week in October as CHARACTER COUNTS! Week. One way we do this is our annual Character Essay Contest. Open to all collegiate sorority women, the contest challenges them to consider and write about their own character and how it relates to their daily life.
2024 Essay Winners